
July 20 - 24, 2015 and Information for Next Week

We welcomed our second 4 week campers on Monday.

On Wednesday, we had our Jr. Bring a Friend and After Camp Dance and Pizza Party. We had a great turn out and enjoyed extra time in the pool after camp.

Thursday, the Sr. campers went to Thunderbird Bowling Lanes to spend the afternoon bowling.

On Friday, The Philadelphia Inquirer spent the morning learning about the awesome programs and activities we have here at camp. The journalist and photographer interviewed campers and counselors and took pictures for their article. We will inform you when we know the day the article will run.

Friday afternoon was a scream! We dressed up in our favorite Halloween costumes, had a parade and went trick or treating around camp. Camper showtime was great as always and the pool was refreshing.

Olympic Week starts on Monday! The theme is still being kept a secret but campers will learn about it at our opening ceremonies on Monday morning.

During Olympic Week: Tuesday campers are to wear their team color (red or white-to be disclosed on Monday). Wednesday, campers wear the opposite team color. Thursday campers wear their team color. On Friday, campers wear something relating to their team theme. An email will be sent out explaining this further on Monday afternoon.

Reminder: The Overnight is Thursday August, 6th for campers ages 9+. Information and permission slips are available on our website. Campers who wish to participate either all night or until 11pm MUST have a completed and signed permission slip.  All permission slips are due by Monday, August 3rd.

Extensions and Camp Plus! We still have some spots available for campers to extend their stay during the next three weeks of regular camp.  Camp Plus will run the week of August 17 and the week of August 24. You may choose one or both weeks. The hours of Camp Plus are 9-4, there is no before or after care or camp transportation for Camp Plus. Forms are available on ourwebsite.

Cell Phones: Cell phones are NOT PERMITTED AT CAMP! Please check to make sure your child does not bring their cell phone to camp.

What’s for Lunch? Not sure what to pack your camper for lunch? Consider Smart Lunch. A convenient, online lunch ordering program that caters to busy families needing a variety of options and convenience. You can choose healthy and allergy friendly foods. Visit www.smartlunches.com to sign up and order. Use the coupon code SUMMER2015 to get your free drink every day when you order a full week of lunches. Orders must be placed at least two business days in advance. 


Parties and Outings at Burn Brae: Let us cater your child’s next birthday party. Let us know your child’s interests and we will build a party that is right for them. We even do pool parties on the weekends! We also do corporate picnics, family outing, scout parties, and more! See the website for more information. Current camp families will receive $25 off their party.

We are social! Like us on Facebook to view photos. Please share our postings and feel free to tag us in your own postings about camp. We are getting rave reviews from parents of our campers via phone calls and through emails. We would greatly appreciate you posting your positive comments on our Facebook page. Thank you!

Check out our website every weekend at www.burnbraedaycamp.com. We post updates, permission slips, weekly newsletters, and photos of our campers in their activities at the end of every week. 

Sign up for Summer 2016. If you enroll your child(ren) with a deposit for summer 2016 by August 14th, you will receive current 2015 rates.