August 11 – August 15, 2014
So Long, Farewell?
Believe it or not, this week marks the final week of our traditional 8-week camp season. We hope that your children had as great a summer as we did having them with us. It was truly a Joy!
Should your campers wish to continue their summer, there is always Camp Plus, which begins this Monday, August 18 and ends on August 29. (See below for more information.)
Highlights from this week included Arts Fest and Burn Brae's 33rd Carnival
In Theatre, Step-Up campers performed “Bye Bye Birdie”, Junior/Senior Theater Minors performed “Gooney Bird Greene”, Junior Theater Majors performed “Annie”, and Senior Theatre Majors peformed “Once Upon a Mattress”.
In addition to these theatrical performances, campers demonstrated their various creations and range of gifts in Dance, Jazz Band, Rock Band, Brass/Woodwinds, Animation, Lego/Robotics, Ceramics, Creative Writing, TV/Video, Pastry Arts, Special Effects MakeUp, Digital Photography, Project Runway, and DJ Camp Zone. Over the course of the summer, they’ve amassed tremendous knowledge in very specific content areas, while gaining exposure to several more. Hats off to an incredible staff of teachers who made it all possible, and to you for entrusting your children to us for the summer. We are incredibly proud!
Friday's festivities included a 33rd Burn Brae Carnival with inflatable rides, movie popcorn, a pool party, water, outdoor games, a Ga-ga competition, and Kangaroo Court featuring our wonderful staff and a jury of campers.
Look no further! Camp Plus includes two weekly sessions, begins Monday, August 18, and ends August 29. Each session costs $450. Sign up for both sessions to receive a $50 discount. ($850 total) Give us a call at (215) 657 3388 if interested. Email your requests to Access enrollment forms here.
PLEASE NOTE: Camp Plus hours are 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. After Care is not available.
Burn Brae Day Camp looks forward to seeing campers return to us next summer after a long school year. While it seems early to think about next summer, we are already taking sign-ups for 2015.
We’ve extended our deadline date to receive 2014 rates for Summer 2015 enrollment. If you send in a $400 deposit by August 31, 2014, you will receive current 2014 rates, get first pick of classes, and your choice of Burn Brae Day Camp gear - sweatshirt, pants, long sleeve shirt, or camp bag. You may download an early 2015 enrollment form from our website at
- Monthly Saturday Kids’ Night at Burn Brae. (Dates will be posted on website.)
- Winter Reunion at Beat Street in Huntingdon Valley. More information and date will be posted.
Special moments... According to our staff!
This week’s Staff Spotlight takes a break from its regular reporting on a single staff member to round up, instead, a list of “special moments” and/or “highlights” from various staff members. Perhaps these will brighten the faces of our campers (perhaps even entertain them), as we send them off to enjoy what is left of the summer and back to school. Here’s what we gathered:
- Aaron (Ceramics/ Art Teacher): Aaron enjoyed watching the campers perform during Olympic Week. Because he teaches Art, he rarely gets the opportunity to witness the high caliber of talent among the children.
- Alyssa is a Swim instructor, who has the pleasure of working with campers of varying swim abilities. She enjoys seeing parents watch the progress of their children, from the time they first come to her, to the time they leave Burn Brae. She recalls having one particular camper, who had quite a bit of trepidation about the water, but now goes into the deep end without her assistance.
- Counselor Julie enjoys watching the “Annie” rehearsals because “Annie” is her favorite play. For some reason though, each time she would go, the group would be performing the same song, “I Think I’m Gonna Like it Here”. Talk about perfect timing!
- “Who Let the Dogs Out?” That’s what you need to be singing when you see Administrative Assistant, Barbara Spivack, walking around campus. She enjoys leaving the office– frequently enough, to see the children in action, singing and performing in Showtime and during Arts Fest.
- Assistant Director Mike Blum still savors Burn Brae’s Overnighter as well as the Overnighter cookout. Let’s just say it was the cookout that almost wasn’t, due to technical grill difficulties.
- Full Apprentice John, enjoyed his second Overnighter at Burn Brae. It was a fun opportunity to be “free” and enjoy a more relaxed, off-schedule “schedule”.
- And of course, it doesn’t get any better than seeing Counselor Will rocking a tutu as Dorothy during Olympic Week, says Nurse Kerry.
BIRTHDAYS at BURN BRAE in SUMMER and BEYOND. Let us cater to you for your child’s next birthday party any time of the year. Let us know what you need, and we can make it happen. Professionally staffed, themed parties (Sports, Pool, Ga-Ga, Disney, character, favorite movie, etc.), we aim to please. Click here for more info.
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