June 30– July 3, 2014 and Information for Next Week
Click here to view our photo gallery for Week 2 at Burn Brae!
Click here to view our photo gallery for Week 1 at Burn Brae!
We beat the heat this week by using our air-conditioned buildings, adding swim periods to our day, and drinking lots of cold spring water from our coolers.
Today’s Independence Day festivities were kicked off with Zumba classes, both on land, and in the pool. Local Zumba instructor, Torri, led classes. Pre-Majors ran a sack race and all campers played water games. We held our weekly Showtime during lunch, and enjoyed our Firecracker® popsicles afterwards.
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WE NEED YOU! We are always seeking ways to build excitement and maintain that summer enthusiasm all year long. Like us on Facebook, then Share a favorite post or pic from our page on your social media profiles, including Twitter and Instagram @BurnBraeDayCamp. Tag your photos #BBDC or send them to us via email.
Staff Spotlight
Each week in “News You Can Use! @ BurnBraeDayCamp” and online, we will feature a few of our wonderful staff. First up is Mike Blum, our Assistant Camp Director.
Mike loves Burn Brae, pure and simple; so much so, that he has returned for his 13th year. Lucky 13, lucky us! Asked what keeps him coming back, Mike lights up as he speaks of his daughters, both of whom have attended Burn Brae––one is now a junior in college, the other, a current half-day apprentice. He also enjoys the outdoors, which is a welcome departure from the school year, during which he is usually indoors in his role as school psychologist. He enjoys the interaction with staff, and campers, and being here for support.
Apart from this being a summer day camp, we asked Mike about the difference between working at Burn Brae versus in a school setting. He noted that managing the demands of working at a unique camp such as Burn Brae is different than at a school. Children are given more freedom and choice, but still need some help and guidance, as well as structure, in order to effectively manage their independence. Ultimately, they thrive more in this smaller environment where they might have been previously less expressive. It is rewarding to Mike to see their development over the course of the summer.
Clearly, Mike is invested in Burn Brae Day Camp! We are happy to have him.
Housekeeping and Important Dates:
Swimsuits: In addition to wearing sneakers, please ensure that your campers also bring (2) bathing suits to camp daily. No one enjoys wiggling into a wet swimsuit.
July 8: Juniors Bring a Friend to Camp Day. More info and permission slip here.
July 10: Senior Trip to Monster Mini Golf of Feasterville, PA. NO MONEY, please. All seniors should bring their own lunch. (Please note that Smart Lunches will not be served.) We will eat at the venue, and snacks and drinks will be provided.
Please Note
- The weekly Newsletter, News You Can Use! @ Burn Brae Day Camp, as well as Permission Forms and other important camp information are posted to our website each weekend.
- Many of our buildings are air-conditioned for these hot, summer days!
- Please label all camper belongings including instruments and cases.
- Drive slowly as you come in and out of camp each day. The speed limit is 5 mph!
- Remember to put on sunscreen each morning! Girls with long hair shuld wear ponytails when swimming. Goggles are optional but advised to protect sensitive eyes. Footwear must be worn from the locker room to the pool.
- Self Drivers: IF YOUR CAMPER WILL BE ABSENT, PLEASE CALL THE CAMP OFFICE BY 8:30 AM. If you use camp transportation, please call your driver by 7:30 AM if your camper will be absent.